According To Me

The issue of how much to 'play around' with a photo after clicking the shutter button is a long-running issue in modern photography.

The purists would say that the authenticity and 'art' of photography has been irrevocably damaged by the advent of digital technology. The pixel bods don't understand what they're on about.

And those, like myself, who have crossed over from the old methods by happily incorporating the new enjoy the best of both worlds: enhancing the essential techniques for taking a great shot before snapping with some of the marvellous new possibilities available after the event.

If you work hard to make sure the original picture has merit, then the bewildering gamut of special effects or just ways of correcting unfortunate restrictions or mistakes such as poor lighting conditions or camera shake are all perfectly acceptable tools in the modern creative photographer's box of tricks.

This photo is part of a lesson in the
Paris Set Me Free - FREE Photography Course

Continue the lesson:

~ Improving Reality ~

~ May 2008 - Slide Show ~



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