Masterclass Starts: January 2024
Pre-Launch StartsNOW!

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Are you a Paris aficionado… or would you love to become one?
Does the secret, hidden side of this incredible city intrigue you as much as the classic sites enchant?
Join Paris-obsessed Brit, Sab Will, 30 years here and counting, on a unique adventure

🤓 Meet Your Paris Masterclass Host... 🥐 ☕

Hi, Paris fans, it’s Sab here.

Thanks for checking out my brand new Paris creation.

My Curious Connoisseur’s Paris Masterclass Series has been 30 years in the making and is the culmination of my curious Paris life!

If you join today, you will you benefit from the generous Pre-Launch-OFFER, which gives you access to the full series of three Paris Masterclasses, running throughout 2024, for the price of one!


Not only that, but Pre-Launch Masterclass Members will get immediate access to exclusive Member-Only content, including my growing collection of CurioFiles – fascinating Insight Sheets exploring Parisian History, Architecture and Curiosities.

Each CurioFile is richly illustrated with my original photos and text, including fun observations and anecdotes for a perfectly personal touch – I couldn’t do it any other way.


I also give you exact directions on how to find every Paris curiosity covered. Detailed plans for each arrondissement and quarter will let you wander around discovering them on your own, either virtually with my exclusive Paris Masterclass Google Maps, or in person when you visit Paris in reality!


Every week, I share my latest CurioFiles, unusual new discoveries and other Paris news exclusively with all Paris Masterclass members. You can ask questions and chat about anything relating to the capital. It’s fun!


When you join the Curious Connoisseur’s Paris Masterclass TODAY, you get access to:

🔴 The precious CurioFiles library

🟠 Weekly Interactive Live Shows

🟡 Sab’s Secret Paris Top 10 lists

🟢 Sab’s Fun Paris Fact Files

🔵 A Private Masterclass Community

🟣 All Three 2024 Paris Masterclasses
     (for the price of one!) 

Not to mention intriguing regular quizzes, surprise videos from the streets of Paris and bonuses even I don’t know about yet!

When the Official Launch starts later this year, one module will cost €97. You get ALL 3 modules for this price if you join NOW.

Thank you for being part of my creative universe… and letting me be part of yours. See you in Paris!

“Sab’s Paris Masterclass”

(Pre-Launch OFFER: Now Open!)

The Paris Masterclass Series

1 Masterclass  3 MASTERCLASSES = €97!

Your Ticket To The World’s Most Extraordinary City

ALL 3 Masterclasses for the price of one during the Pre-Launch!

The Curious Connoisseur’s Paris Masterclass is actually 3 Masterclasses.

  • Each Masterclass lasts for 11 weeks, including a break week
  • Every week you will discover a new Parisian district or unique aspect of the city.
  • Entertaining classes will cover the history, architecture and curiosities of each area
  • You can discuss all the lessons in a private community devoted to the Masterclass
  • A variety of videos, photos, quizzes, anecdotes and challenges will keep you engaged
  • Each Masterclass costs €97
  • During the Pre-Launch period (NOW) you get ALL 3 Masterclasses for €97!
  • Masterclass 1 runs from January to April, 2024
  • Masterclass 2 runs from May to August, 2024
  • Masterclass 3 runs from September to December, 2024
  • The Pre-Launch period lasts from now until Autumn 2023
  • During this time you will receive fascinating new Paris content weekly
  • You will obtain a beautiful certificate upon completion of each Masterclass

This content is unavailable anywhere else in this format. The Masterclasses are designed to be both fascinating and fun and will draw you in and motivate you to become the veritable Paris expert you dream of being. It will be an honour to be your guide on this unforgettable journey.

Masterclass 1: Arrondissements 1-6  – (€97)

  • WEEK 1: Intro ~ Paris ~ Origins ~ History ~ Districts & Quarters
  • WEEK 2: 1st District: “Louvre” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 3: 2nd District: “Bourse” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 4: TOPICs ~ Ile de la Cité 1 ~ City Walls 1 ~ Parks 1
  • WEEK 5: 3rd District: “Temple” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 6: 4th District: “Hôtel du Ville” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 7: TOPICs ~ Ile Saint-Louis ~ Bridges 1 ~ Museums
  • WEEK 8: 5th District: “Panthéon” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 9: 6th District: “Luxembourg ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 10: TOPICs ~ Ile de la Cité 2 ~ Metros, Buses, Trams ~ Churches

Masterclass 2: Arrondissements 7-13 – (€97)

  • WEEK 1: 7th District: “Palais-Bourbon” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 2: 8th District: “Élysée” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 3: TOPICs ~ Quartiers ~ City Walls 2 ~ Petite Ceinture
  • WEEK 4: 9th District: “Opéra” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 5: 10th District: “Entrepôt” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 6: TOPICs ~ Grands Magasins ~ Bridges 2 ~ Places & Squares
  • WEEK 7: 11th District: “Popincourt” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 8: 12th District: “Reuilly” ~ 4 Quarters ~ Bois de Vincennes
  • WEEK 9: TOPICs ~ Passages ~ Train Stations ~ Architecture
  • WEEK 10: 13th District: “Gobelin” ~ 4 Quarters

Masterclass 3: Arrondissements 14-20 – (€97)

  • WEEK 1: 14th District: “Observatoire” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 2: 15th District: “Vaugirard” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 3: TOPICs ~ Cemeteries ~ City Walls 3 ~ Parks 2
  • WEEK 4: 16th District: “Passy” ~ 4 Quarters ~ Bois de Boulogne
  • WEEK 5: 17th District: “Batignolles-Monceau” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 6: TOPICs ~ Catacombs ~ Bridges 3 ~ Restaurants & Cafés
  • WEEK 7: 18th District: “Buttes-Montmartre” ~ 4 Quarters
  • WEEK 8: 19th District: “Buttes-Chaumont” ~ 4 Quarters ~ Bois de Vincennes
  • WEEK 9: TOPICs ~ Canal Saint-Martin ~ Boats & Roads ~ Water Features
  • WEEK 10: 20th District: “Ménilmontant” ~ 4 Quarters

Your Exclusive Bonuses

Sab’s Fab Paris Top 10s

Marvellous Metro Platforms ~ Beautiful Bridges
Amazing Sculptures ~ Marvellous Monuments
Strange Statues ~ Mad Metro Signs
Architectural Styles ~ Bold Buildings
Mysterious Plaques ~ Secret Squares
Pretty Passages ~ Charming Churches
Remarkable Graves ~ War Scars
Royal Symbols ~ Revolutionary Signs
Religious Relics ~ Ribald Times
Hidden Corners ~ Underground Enigmas
Curious Quarters ~ Cool Street Art
Famous Photos ~ Cult Movies
Classic Songs ~ Unusual Cafés & Teashops
Brilliant Bookshops ~ Fabulous Fountains
One of a Kinds

Sab’s Fun Facts Lists

History ~ Transport ~ Architecture ~ Royalty ~ Revolution ~ Napoleon ~ Hausmann ~  Literature ~ Art ~ Cafés ~ Restaurants ~ Theatres ~ Cinema ~ Quarters

Sab’s Curiosity Discovery Promenades

Latin Quarter ~ Le Marais
Montmartre ~ La Butte aux Cailles
Belleville & Ménilmontant ~ Passy & Trocadéro
The Covered Passages ~ Ile de la Cité

Paris will set you free!

This Paris Masterclass is ABSOLUTELY right for you, if…

💚 You love Paris and are thirsty for more knowledge about this incredible city

💙 You are passionate about the story of the French capital

💜 You want to become a Paris guru and impress your friends with your knowledge

❤️ You are fascinated by the vast scope of Parisian architecture and buildings in general

🧡 You enjoy exploring the different quarters of Paris, even if just from your armchair

💛 You are excited by the great museums, monuments, churches, cemeteries and parks and the rich history and mysteries they hold

💚 You want to wander though the little streets, the wide boulevards and the covered passages in search of obscure little details and oddities

💙 You particularly appreciate discovering curiosities and secrets known only to those who have spend many years hunting such things down – it’s my speciality!

💜 You are hoping to uncover the city through the eyes, mind and heart of someone who is utterly dedicated, even obsessed by this place

❤️ You know this city is special and want to dive way deeper than the usual tourist traps and cliches and meet the real face of the City of Light & Shadow

This Masterclass may NOT be right for you if…

🔸 You have a deep knowledge of all sides of Paris already

🔸 You are more interested in the commercial side of the city

🔸 Your main interests include food stores, fashion boutiques and fancy hotels (nothing wrong with that, of course!)

🔸 You are only interested in the typical tourist attractions such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe, the Champs Elysées and suchlike.

🔸 You are not interested in taking an extremely deep dive into the French capital and becoming the most knowledgeable person on Paris in your circles by far

🔸 You want an entirely factual approach to the topic without the personality of the presenter being a factor in your studies

🔸 If that’s NOT you, you’ll love my Paris Masterclass, so come on down!

“Fluctuat nec mergitur”
(She is tossed by the waves but does not sink) 

Why is Paris so special?

Snuggling the river Seine as it snakes from mountains to sea, Paris is as rich in history and atmosphere as it gets. From majestic mansions to hidden cobbled streets, from intriguing museums to battle-scarred walls, and from the grandeur of kings and cardinals to the gritty reality of the revolution, France’s capital has often been “tossed by the waves”, but never sunk. Its motto is well chosen.

For more than two millennia, from the first fortified Celtic village, known as Lutèce, on today’s Ile de la Cité, to Julius Caesar’s conquest and beyond, Paris has constantly grown, changed and innovated.

We’ll be spending 11 weeks together per Masterclass, exploring as much fascinating Paris content as I can possibly pack in. There are three Masterclasses in the full series, running over a whole year. So, get ready for the cultural and historical virtual journey of a lifetime!

Of course, as well as its history, fashion, art, architecture and cuisine, countless curiosities are to be found, but not on the usual tourist trails.

I (Sab, your intrepid Masterclass guide) have spent half my life in Paris, and think of the Eiffel Tower (“Lady Eiffel”) as my artistic muse. I love nothing more than sharing my passion for this incredible city and I will be delighted and honoured to have you with me on the adventure!

Some of the things you will discover…

The Layout of the City

The way the city is organised and how it got that way is fascinating. You’ll understand not only how it works but also the signficant differences between the different districts and all their main attractions.

Architectural Styles & Gems

Paris offers a vast range of architectural styles as well as many hidden gems you probably wouldn’t find on your own. I’ll show you them all!

Amazingly Rich History

The history of Paris, intricately linked to the evolution of France, is incredibly rich but also highly complex. I’ll do my best to clear that up for you.

Take a Trip Back in Time

The development of the Parisian transport system is a huge subject unto itself hiding countless stories and secrets. Want to hear about all the ghost stations and walk along the defunct sunken or overhead rainway that used to circle the city? Your wish is my commnd.

Cultivate Yourself

So many people know World class museums are everywhere, but so are exceptional statures and strange sculptures found through the city streets and green spaces. Let’s find out about some of the most intersting.

Who Knows What Will Happen?

Artists, writers, poets, photographers, singers, dancers, actors, chefs, scientists, architects, fashion designers, philosophers, … Paris has inspired them all, and we’ll be following in the steps of many of them. Maybe some of their genius will rub off on us!

Meet Your Guide ~ Sab Will

30 years ago, at the age of 27, Scottish-born but English-raised Sab – that’s me – set off on a world tour. I made it from London all the way to the French capital and… stopped! I can’t remember if I adopted Paris or if Paris adopted me. All I know is that this intriguing city continues to be my inspirational playground and creative crucible, while my artistic muse, Lady Eiffel, keeps a kindly eye on it all.

Paris constantly nurtures my creative activities. I photograph and write about the city daily and publish my work on my web sites and social media channels.

Poetry and painting is also vital for me and one form of my conceptual abstract art is small painted squares belonging to larger works which I place throughout the city and on the bridges. These ‘jigsaw puzzle pieces’ are adopted by people from dozens of countries who would like a special piece of Paris for themselves.

But the real reason is…

I’m also a Creativity Coach, helping people around the world to be as creative and productive as they would love to be. Positive education and innovative language training are also strong interests of mine.

Underlying all these various activities is the real reason I am where I am: Paris. Here, I have found a city so rich in history, architecture and countless curiosities that I have made it my home base and vow to discover or uncover and share as much of it as possible with you if you feel the same way I do.

📆 Masterclass Dates & Investment 💰

Masterclass Dates: Start Pre-Launch Activities TODAY!

  • PRE-LAUNCH is now in progress with great original Paris content every week and a private community to join… PLUS the best deal ever!

    11 weeks, including a break week, from January to April 2024
    (exact dates to be announced)

    11 weeks, including a break week, from May to August 2024
    (exact dates to be announced)

    11 weeks, including a break week, from September to December 2024
    (exact dates to be announced)

Masterclass Investment: All 3 Masterclasses ~ ONLY €97

  • PRE-LAUNCH Extra-Special Offer (available NOW):
    Masterclass 1 + Masterclass 2 + Masterclass 3 + All Bonuses = €97

  • OFFICIAL LAUNCH Offer (until the start of the Masterclass):
    Masterclass 1 + Masterclass 2 + Masterclass 3 + All Bonuses = €197

  • INDIVIDUAL MASTERCLASSES (available after the official launch):
    Masterclass 1 = €97
    Masterclass 2 = €97
    Masterclass 3 = €97

“Sab’s Paris Masterclass”

(Pre-Launch OFFER: Now Open!)

🤔 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 😎

If you don’t see what you need below, just email Sab @ and I’ll get right back 😊

The exact dates of the live Paris Masterclass are yet to be decided, but they will be something like this:

Masterclass 1: 22 January – 7 April 2024

Masterclass 2: 20 May – 4 August 2024

Masterclass 2: 23 September – 8 December 2024

NOTE 1) You don’t have to attend live and you will have permanent access to all the recordings / lessons / course materials.

NOTE 2) There is a break week in the middle of each Masterclass:

1 Masterclasss = 5 Weeks + Break Week + 5 Weeks = 11 Weeks

You can take as much time as you want!

However, if you want to keep up with the official pace, consume all the materials and complete all the units on the planned schedule, expect the following each week:

4 Video Sessions (watch live or recorded): 20-30 minutes each
1 Interactive Facebook Live: 60 minutes
Fun Paris Quizzes (optional): 10 minutes
Private Group Interaction: as much as you like!

None of these are truly ‘obligatory’. You won’t ‘fail’ if you don’t do them all! But you are joining the Paris Masterclass to… DO the Paris Masterclass and become a Curious Connoisseur, right?!

So, I strongly recommend following the official schedule if possible, to stay motivated, have fun interacting in the group and finish on time.

No, you don’t need Facebook to do the Curious Connoisseur’s PARIS MASTERCLASS, you just need access to the internet.

ALL of the Masterclass materials are available on my own independent Paris Masterclass platform.

At the moment, we WILL be using a Facebook Group for optional group discussion as it is a powerful and convenient platform many people use daily. I may switch to my own discussion forum in the future.

You can easily create a completely anonymous Facebook profile (using false data!) to interact in the private Masterclass group if you wish, which people have occasionally done in the past.

No, you don’t.

ALL of the Masterclass materials will be recorded and there is no obligation to attend any live events.

Having said that, one of the joys of taking part in a live, interactive Masterclass is, as you probably guessed, the fun of learning together, in real-time, as a group.

Getting to know each other, asking questions and sharing discussions about this place we love will be wonderfully enriching, so do your best to come to live events if you can.

That said, no-one will be ‘taking the register’, no-one will say anything if you’re not there (until you start making new friends and they miss you, that is!) and you can do everything from the comfortable peace and quiet of your sofa, entirely on your own, if you wish.

You get your splendid official Curious Connoisseur’s PARIS MASTERCLASS Certificate when you complete all the units in the Masterclass, however long you decide to take.

There are 3 Paris Masterclasses, which can be done independently, and an official certificate is issued on completion of each one. So, you will receive three certificates if you complete all three Masterclasses!

If you follow the program ‘in real time’ and complete all the units and (optional) exercises by the end of the course, you will receive a Special Edition Certificate naming you a “Creme de la Creme Paris Curiosity Connoisseur”!

As an Official “Paris Set Me Free” Curiosity Connoisseur, you get a full set of presentation materials that you can use to give your own in-person (not online) Paris presentations.

You will become THE Paris expert in your area!

In order to qualify, you simply need to complete the Masterclass and all the simple (and optional) activities by the end of each course. (There are 3 Paris Masterclasses and each one will be assessed individually.)

No additional investment is needed, but you do need to prove you are serious about Paris, as you should be!!

Yes, you can invite up to THREE friends at LESS THAN HALF the usual rate: €97 => €47, thanks to you!

Once YOU have booked your place, email me at sab @ and I’ll send you the Friends Code.

Don’t panic!  You are free to take all the time you like to complete the Masterclass.


1) There is a ‘Break Week’ halfway through every Masterclass. This is great for catching up or going deeper into the topics if you wish.

2) You will be part of a supportive interactive community and our weekly live calls will also keep you on track, so if you want to go at the ‘official’ pace, you should be able to.

3) You have permanent access to the Paris Masterclass. It’s great fun to discover Paris and discuss it together when it’s fresh, but if something urgent comes up or you need to take a break, there’s no problem.

Not really (but see last paragraph). I’m assuming you are familiar with my approach, style and materials through this page, my free Facebook group and my live online videos in that group and elsewhere.

Feel free to join the group and get involved, but don’t wait too long to sign up for the Masterclass, because the current Pre-Launch Offer could end at any time without notice!

I’m assuming you’re somewhat fanatical about Paris and excited to learn much much more, as I am…

That said, if you join and for some reason change your mind, let me know within two weeks and I’ll refund you.

“Sab’s Paris Masterclass”

(Pre-Launch OFFER: Now Open!)

🥐 A Final Word... et à bientôt!

My Curious Connoisseur’s PARIS MASTERCLASS is for absolute, unconditional Paris fans, aficionados or folks who would love to know more – much more – about this legendary capital.

It’s also for people who like my creative style and approach and even enjoy following my adventures here down the years. If you’re reading this, I guess you know what that’s about, and I’m honoured to have you with me.

Apart from that, have faith that this will truly be a unique, highly personal, passion-fuelled, idiosyncratic journey covering the history, architecture, transport, streets, art and of course curiosities of the city I adopted half a lifetime ago, or did it adopt me, I’m never really sure these days…

As soon as the official Launch starts, the price will double, so please make sure you get in now if you are as excited about this as I am!

I am already producing exclusive content weekly, as part of the on-going Pre-Launch, including new CurioFiles and live shows in our private Facebook group, and as soon as you join us, you will have access to it all.

I can’t wait to share much more with you on this strange and stimulating journey into the heart of the City of Light & Shadow. Welcome.

Sab in Paris
Sunday, 10th June, 2023

© 2023 Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free ~ All Rights Reserved