I'd love to say there was some deep emotional message to impart
here... but I just can't find one! There's just this restaurant
guy putting up the menu and some bike just lying there (not his)
with the lock abandoned next to it. The shot's more perplexing
than anything else I can see.
Just why is that bike just lying there? I guess I'll never know.
Compositionally, I was worried this shot was a bit busy, but I
cropped as much as I was comfortable with, and managed to rein
in the unruly bits. The bottom and bottom right side of the
picture are nicely hemmed in by the pleasing curve of the kerb,
which also frames the expired bicycle. The pavement going into
the distance on the right with the receding black poles provide
the sense of depth and the flowered balcony closes off the top
I've zapped up the colours as usual to increase the sense of
irreality (which I just invented) as I often do as part of my
style/theme (transport).
You got to have a theme, y'know? Coz if you don't have a
theme... how you gonna have a theme speak for you?!