Power(Just for
fun... how many contrasts can you see in this image - I'm a
great fan of contrasts. My answer below.)
I like this image, taken during the Parc de Bercy (and Paris')
'Gardens' event which involved installing gardeny type exhibits
in some unusual places, along with funny red watering cans which
served as welcoming offices and which have already featured on
the PSMF blog.
In terms of composition it is sslllliiggghhhttttlllyyyy askew,
in that there is perhaps a little to much gap between the two
flowers, but apart from that not too much worries me. The big
flower could have been lower, but that would have meant reducing
its size, and it's massive size, particularly in contrast to the
smaller one (there for that purpose?!) is one of the nice things
about the pic.
In any case, the violent yellow, which isn't really mellow and
I'd already used that title, contrasts beautifully with the two
tones of sombre, fuzzy green behind.
And all of this was done hand-held with the flowers swaying
slightly so obviously a fast shutter speed was useful.
Here are all the contrasts I found in this pic - did you see any
yellow and green
bright and dull
sharp and fuzzy
big and small
near and far |
spread out and curled up
smooth and spiky
immature and mature
short and long
bottom left and top right |