Thistle Power, Och Aye!

This is from a cute little garden which features on one of my Paris photo tours - more than that I am not at liberty to divulge. I could inform you of its whereabouts, but then I would be obliged to kill you, which would obviously be a regretable outcome of your innocent reading of this anodyne little photo blog, so best leave it there, eh?

The thistle is also, of course, for the benefit of you non-internationally minded types (tutt-tutt, sigh, head-shake, mutter-mutter, you should know this...) the national flower of Scotland, the country of my birth (strictly speaking only a region of the UK now, but my compatriots would linch me for saying so).

In any case, it's a simple flower shot - hand-held, so slightly fuzzy - obviously employing the limited depth of field necessary to throw all that horrible background noise out of focus and allow the plant's beauty to come through.



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