From the 'nuit blanche' in Paris,
when they do funny things with sculptures and lights, and
slightly bemused locals and tourists trog around in search of
monuments and meaning. A lot of it's really weird, but quite
fun, and some is just impressive, like the obelisk at place de
la Concorde lit up in purple which they claimed in all the
newspapers was going to be Klein blue but wasn't at all. The
statues around the edges were tho'.
Tricky to hold the damn
camera still enough mind you, as I'm not much of a fan of
lugging a heavy tripod around with me and like the effects you
can get from night lights and movement. Here I just had to try
and brace myself against a lamppost and hold the camera as still
as possible. It was shot on a Canon 350D and even though I
bumped the sensitivity up to the max at 1600 there was still a
lot of shake. From a distance it looks ok though.
Place de la Concorde is great
for photos because you have the omnipresent Eiffel Tower in the
background and lots of lamps and signs sprouting up like
mushrooms to play with. Here it looks like the Eiffel Tower is
actually trying to light up the obelisk which wasn't the case at
all, and I took another shot from much closer which makes the
Eiffel Tower look tiny in comparison. That's where your legs do
something the zoom doesn't: completely change the size
relationship of near and distant objects. Use your legs as much
as your zoom when sizing up a shot - that's what I say! |