Headless Wonder

I'll hum it and you... oh look, never mind, just play what you want. OK? OK.

This guy wanders the Paris streets like the proverbial headless horseman (without a horse, of course), squeezing out his melancholy melodies for those who wish to listen, although staring mouth agape is a more typical reaction. Two passing tourists nearly fell off their Vélib hire-bikes in shock as I was taking this shot.

Which makes you wonder. To be so show-stopping and yet so anonymous. Isn't there some sort of contrast there? Can he see all of his captive audience as he wheezes away on his third lung? Is he trying to tell us something? Is he a true artist or just some sort of marginal weirdo.

So many questions, and so few answers. I'll leave you to be the judge of it all. Please let me know if you work it all out one day. Thanks.

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~ 2008 - Slide Show ~




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