I know it's
one of those sickeningly cutesy human tendencies to
anthropomorphosise and imagine a rather perplexed look on the
beaks of these serene seagulls as this uncouth unkempt pigeon (a
pigeon, eugh... how terribly common!) crashes in on the
scene, but it's quite fun to do it anyway
The former were standing, and I kid you not, in a uniform line,
perfectly spaced, even the military would have been proud of
Now, I know you can't actually tell that this is Paris, but it
is, indeed, Ile de la Cité, in the little park next to the
little known memorial for the deportation during the Second
World War. I saw so much wildlife (and some tame) on this shoot
it was strange to think that we were supposed to be living in a
concrete jungle.
I had a whole bunch of shots like this, minus the pigeon, and
had been agonising over which wonderful representation of that
amazing line to show you, when I realised I was an idiot. With a
shot like the one above, and the same thing minus the grey blur
of bird, there is no contest. There was more purity in the other
shots, but this one is where the action is! And the
interaction (or disdainful lack of it) between the two
species which makes it interesting.
As a great fan of contrasts, there are plenty here: moving and
still; white and grey; sharp and blurred; near and far; and to
anthopomorphosise a little... calm and collected against
panicked and pushy. Clean and polluting? The list could go on.