Au Marché d'Amélie

One of the sweetest, kookiest and simply adorablest films of the last decade, Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain has become part of the locations featured in the movie.

This shot was taken in front of the grocer from one of the scenes in the film, and oh how the times they have-a-changed. From a three minute straw poll I'd reckon that half the business they do nowadays is from tourists following the 'Amélie Poulain Paris Walkabout'. Gotta love 'em.

No photo technique commentary today - I'm in too much of a snidey/cynically social observation mode. Work it out for yourselves, suckers! You're grown up and vaccinated, as I discovered the French say the other day - quite a snidey-cute expression in fact...




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