Hello Paris Fan
& New Friend!
I'd like to offer you a
Big Welcome to Sab's
Secret Paris: 400 Quirks, where I share a vast range
of weird and wonderful Paris curiosities with you if you're
You'll discover hundreds
of amazing and little-known city secrets, like...
1) When is a door not a door?
2) Who exactly is the 'woman without a head'?
3) Where is the man who can walk through walls?
4) What is the Louvre's most astonishing carving?
5) Is this the 'work' of a true Napoleon hater, or just an idiot?
6) What's does the mysterious medieval carving 'FDT' signify?
7) Just what are all those sinister tunnels surrounding Paris?
8) What's the surprising secret of the ugly new fountains?
9) Just how low can you go in this city?
10) Ever seen a ghost station? I'll show you one.
...and many many more.
Paris is the
legendary 'City of Light', it's true, but it's a city of shadows
and mystery too.
My aim is to
show you a side of this great metropolis you would
never normally see if you didn't have someone to point it out to
Read on to find out how!
A Unique View of a Unique City
Paris is one of the world's most fascinating cities. I know -
I've lived here for 20 years, photographed it, written about it,
immersed myself in its streets and history and culture, made my
own small contribution to its art, and I still discover new things
every day!
As an obsessive Paris
quirk seeker and curiosity hunter, I've spent countless days, weeks and months
walking the streets of the city, by day and by night, through
the common quarters and well off the beaten track, looking for the
secret side that you wouldn't normally experience.
I found it. And I'd like to offer you 400 of
those discoveries now, at the rate of one intriguing Paris Quirk
three days.
That's over three years'
worth of richly illustrated curiosities, fun factoids and a good
dose of humour in your mailbox, week in, week
Why don't I just give you all
400 in one go, you might be asking? The answer is very simple. I want you to
look forward to every
single one of my Paris Quirks, and to read them all!
Paris Quirks
are like my babies, and I care
deeply about each and every one of them!" |
What usually happens when you
receive a lot of information in one go? You put it to one side
to be 'dealt with later'. And often 'later' never comes.
I don't want that to happen
to my Paris Quirks, which are like my babies,
written in my own original words and illustrated with my
personal Paris street photos, so it means a lot to me as you can
So why then one quirk every
three days? Why not daily? Or once a week?
In my experience of signing
up for information I really want to receive, I've noticed that
once a week leaves me feeling frustrated, and once a day is
simply too much. Every three days seems to be the ideal
frequency and also means that you will have over three years of
fantastic Paris Quirks and Curios
which I can't wait to start sending you. But hang on, there's
Absolutely no risk: Try Before You Buy! |
20 Years of Research ~
400 Incredible Secrets
Or 20 curiosities from each
of Paris' 20 arrondissements, along with a few surprises
thrown in for good measure.
Of course, I love anything to
do with the hidden Paris, but I wouldn't ask you to buy
Sab's Secret Paris: 400 Quirks if I wasn't 100% sure you will love it
And how can you be sure you will
love it? Because you can try before you buy!

That's right. I'm offering
you 20 of my absolutely favourite Paris Quirks for free so you
can decide for yourself if you want 400 more! So you get 20
quirks for free now to test the system, and then a full 400 more
when you hopefully buy Sab's Secret Paris: 400 Quirks
later on!
There's no obligation to buy
anything of course, and you can simply enjoy my 20 Paris
Quirks where you'll discover 20 extraordinary and little-known
curiosities of the world's quirkiest capital. You're more than
welcome to do just that! Click on the box above to start getting
your 20 Free Paris Quirks today.
And last but not least...
Get a
discount... if you can wait! |
Buy Now... or wait for a Very
Special Offer
If you absolutely can't wait
any longer, you can start receiving your 400 Quirks
right away, by clicking below. It will cost you €60, you will
receive a brand new Paris Quirk every three days
for more than three years and I hope you will agree that it's
well worth it.
Secret Paris: 400 Quirks
At that price you will be
paying only 15 cents (euro cents) per quirk, or 5c a day, which
is really quite silly when you think about it!
I strongly recommend signing up for the free 20 Quirks
first, because not only can you decide if you like them,
but you will receive a very special offer once you've
finished which will look something like this =>
As you can see, it's a
discount and it's a big one, which makes the price you pay
really ridiculously small, so it's up to you!
I totally understand if you
can't wait two months before starting your arrondissement-themed
400 Quirks, which is why I do give you the option
of starting right away by clicking the 'Buy Now' button below
here. To be honest, I'd probably do the same!
Secret Paris: 400 Quirks
So, many thanks for
reading, and I hope you've signed up for your 20 Free
Paris Quirks which you can do below, and I look forward
to hearing what you think.
You will soon be well on
your way to knowing more about Paris than 99.99% of the
population, and probably all of your friends - see you in the
